Why subscribe?
“Coming Home to Gaia” is a newsletter for those seeking solutions to the climate crisis and desiring a deeper dialogue on how we can return to right relationship with Mother Earth.
I am doing something pretty radical with this newsletter. Over the course of a year, I am giving away for free the contents of a book that took me nearly 10 years to write. It probably sounds crazy to just give away something I spent most of a decade laboring on, but I didn’t write WORLDFIRE: A Climate Journey from the Depths of Despair to a Haven of Hope for fame or fortune. I wrote it to impact the national conversation and effect positive change on the planet.
During the inaugural year of this newsletter, subscribers will have free access to the contents of WORLDFIRE. Starting in January, my book will be released serially (one episode per week for 50 consecutive weeks) exclusively on my Substack. An audio version is included for those who would rather hear, than read, a book. Together, we will embark upon a remarkable journey of discovery over the course of 2024. You can see my book’s Table of Contents at the bottom of this page.
Breaking with publishing convention in this way is an experiment. It is generally assumed that people don’t value something they receive for free as much as they value something they have to pay for. You can help make this self-publishing experiment a success by subscribing today and by sharing word of my Substack newsletter with others. For those who would like to become paid subscribers, I welcome your support for my writing and Earth protection work, but I will not be erecting a paywall between you and this Substack version of WORLDFIRE.
If you are looking for an unflinchingly honest take on where things currently stand with the climate crisis - and what we can do about it - this Substack is for you. In my book are my ideas, and those of others I respect, on how to restore a safe climate. WORLDFIRE chronicles my extraordinary “rocket trike” journey through the American heartland that revealed a shared dream of renewing America with renewable energy. It is a story about going in search of an America I thought I knew and having my faith in humanity rewarded. It is a tale about a great climate emergency and a greater climate awakening. It is a saga about a harrowing personal journey from the depths of despair to a haven of hope.
Don’t Miss an Episode!
By joining my Substack community of subscribers, you won’t have to worry about missing anything. All 50 weekly episodes of WORLDFIRE will be delivered straight to your inbox. And if you do miss an episode, you can easily find it on my Substack.
Join the Coming Home to Gaia Community
Welcome to a community of like-minded souls who share your love for Mother Earth.
Here is the Table of Contents to WORLDFIRE:
1. Liftoff & Breakdown
2. Gut Check
3. Heeding the Call
4. A State Called Synchronicity
5. Shooting for the Moon
6. Houston, We Have a Problem
7. What’s Right with Kansas
8. Tranquility Trail
9. Climate of Denial
10. Imagine a Green Industrial Revolution
11. Hoosiers Hungry for Change
12. Zero Emissions & Beyond
13. Abandonment to Providence
14. Last Hours?
15. Winds of Change in Coal Country
16. A Green Fire Rises
17. Taking It Slow On the C&O
18. Mobilizing to Rescue Civilization
19. It’s Not “the Environment”
20. Mission 11:11
21. Shaping the State of the Union
22. Coming Home
A Little Housekeeping…
I welcome feedback on my book, but to limit trolling, spam, and hate mail, the public comment section will be limited to paid subscribers only. As a one-man operation, I can’t begin to reply to every reader comment, but I will read as many comments as I can. Keep in mind the book covers lots of territory over its 22 chapters, so questions that may come to mind as you read something early in the book may find themselves answered as you read on further.